

A typical problem in geodynamic modelling of natural systems is to create model setups that are consistent with a wide range of published geological and geophysical data. In some cases, seismic tomography models are available in digital format, but in many other cases not and we are left with cross-sections in published papers.

Recent advances in modelling magmatic systems

Tobias Keller laid the foundations for the MAGMA project with the work in his PhD thesis. After postdocs in Oxford and Stanford he is now a lecturer in Glasglow and in this outreach article, he explains some of the advances he has made in more recent years.

EGU2020 presentation by Arne on modelling of active magmatic systems

As EGU2020 will be an online-only event, Arne prepared a video that summarizes his findings on 3D modelling of the Puna-Altiplano magmatic system. Have a look at it here.

Webinar on geodynamic inverse modelling

MAGMA team members Tobias, Boris and Georg gave a webinar about inverse modelling in geodynamics where they introduced the main concepts and gave geodynamic examples (including case studies related to magmatic systems).

Daniel Kiss started as a new postdoc on the MAGMA project

Since today, Daniel Kiss is a new postdoc on the MAGMA project. Dani finished his PhD a few months ago at the University of Lausanne, working with Stefan Schmalholz and Yuri Podladchikov.

Lisa Rummel wins PhD award

Lisa Rummel will receive the prestigious “Forschungsförderpreis” of the friends of the University of Mainz 2019, for her outstanding PhD thesis on the coupling of thermodynamic and geodynamic numerical models. Congratulations Lisa, well deserved!

Lisa's paper in Journal of Petrology accepted

Lisa's paper on modelling magmatic systems with a combined thermodynamic and thermomechanical modelling approach was accepted in the Journal of Petrology, which is one of the top journals of the field.

Melting models implemented in MATLAB

It has a taken a bit of time, but thanks to the visit of Eleanor Green to the MAGMA team we managed to implement the thermodynamic melting model of Holland & Green in MATLAB.